Custom Bouquet Mobile App

Custom Bouquet is a flower catalogue app for a florist in New York. They offer a wide range of floral arrangements and custom matching gift sets that make their shop unique.

Duration: June 2021–August 2021

The problem: It is difficult to find a one-stop shop for purchasing flowers with nice gifts.

The goal: To streamline the process of flower shopping and gift shopping in order to make the experience a one-package unique experience.

Role: UI/UX Designer

Audience: Shoppers who love buying flowers on occasion and can use the extra customization

Research Study


The purpose of the app is to drive individuals to the gift finder. The gift finder will act as a way to show the users what they are looking for. In order to distinguish this, the challenge was to create a homepage that had enough information to allow the user to want to browse but also for them to want to do a gift finder search.

Additionally, the bouquets should be custom, but not custom enough where it would alter the search results in a way that the user can completely change what they are receiving from their search.


Usability Study

Branding and Sticker Sheet

Hi-Fi Wireframes


Final App Design Video



The Custom Bouquet mobile app offers a gift finder that allows the user to quickly find the right flowers for their occasion. The flowers are customizable to taste as well with the addition of quick adds for gifts that would match with the chosen bouquet.


Sabr Jameel App & Website