Purrfect Pet Website

This product allows users to look for a perfect cat for them and matches them, similar to a dating app.

Duration: October 2021–December 2021

The problem: Busy workers don’t know how much commitment certain cats are until they get them and don’t know their personalities.

The goal: The pet website will clearly show descriptions for each cat and their commitment levels.

Role: UI/UX Designer

Audience: People looking to have a cat but are unsure if they will match their needs or commit to them.

Research Study


Finding a way to integrate simple but consistent mental health practices that allow one to feel whole without feeling overwhelmed or overworked.


Usability Study

Sticker Sheet

Hi-Fi Wireframes



The Purrfect Pet website allows for a fun way to pair yourself with a cat. No need to stress about if they need another cat or won’t get along with your kids–this website will help you out!


Sabr Jameel App & Website